December Ipsy

Wow, I can’t believe December is already here and Christmas is in 7 days… 7 DAYS! Winter is coming in 3 days… this is my favorite time of the year.

Maybe I should quit blabbering and get on with this post. So this month I have to say my Ipsy bag was so-so for me. I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate it. The bag itself I think is adorable but the contents… eh.

The first thing I received was The Coffee Scrub in the scent Coconut. I’ve never really used a scrub so maybe I’ll give this one a try.

I’m kind of happy that I received the MAC Extreme Dimension Lash, MAC is a brand that is so talked up in the beauty community and I haven’t really tried much besides their lipstick and setting spray.

I received the Meech and Mia white pigment and I’m so so on this because I don’t usually wear pigments and if I do I tend to go for glittery colors.

The trestique brow pencil I received I wasn’t super excited about, I don’t usually use many brow pencils so it will probably get passed on to a friend.

Lastly I received a shader brush from Luxie beauty. I love luxie brushes they are so soft and hardy brushes.

Well that’s all that I got in my Ipsy bag this month. It wasn’t the best this month but it had a few good things so I won’t complain.

What did you get in your bag this month?



August Ipsy Unbagging

Hello lovelies! I know I’m a bit late on posting my Ipsy Unbagging and I even forgot to take pictures *gasp!* But, that’s okay because I have pictures on my Ipsy app! 

I actually recieved the bag I was hoping for this month and that was the teal type bag with the beautiful girl getting her hair and makeup done! 

The first thing in my bag was Tarte LipSurgence lip creme in the color Wonder. I was super excited to see this in my bag because I have never tried any of Tarte’s lip products before. I’m excited to finally try!

The next product I recieved was Beaute Basics 3 toned bronzer. I am on the fence about how I feel about this product. It’s very small to be a bronzer, I’m considering just using it as an eyeshadow. 

This nail polish is such a beautiful color I’m so excited to put it on my nails! This is a Formula Xnail polish in the color Dollface. I haven’t tried any Formula X polishes so this will be a first for me! 

Next I recieved a Marc Anthony Nourishing Argan Oil deep conditioning mask. I haven’t ever tried a conditioning mask on my hair but I’m excited to try it for the first time! 

Lastly I recieved a Beau Gachis Paris Pro Series applicator sponge. I am not going to lie, I do not have high hopes for this sponge. I expect it to soak up lots of product and not blend as easy as the beauty blender. Maybe it will surprise me?

Well that’s all I got in my Ipsy this month! What did you recieve? 



Ipsy July 2016

Happy Sunday everyone! I got my Ipsy bag at the end of last week and haven’t gotten the chance to post about it yet! 

First off, this months bag is adorbs! The holographic design with the little umbrellas, perfect for summer. 

In my bag I recieved:

  • Too Faced Hangover Rx primer. This is an amazing thing to get in the bag! There’s a few uses outta this little guy so you can test and see if you like the stuff. I’m glad because I have never tried this and wanted to see what the hype was about. 
  • The Balm Mr. Write (Now) eyeliner in Jac. This is a gorgeous gold color. 
  • Vasanti eyeshadow brush. This is a nice brush, you can never have too many brushes right? 
  • ModelCo power lash, I haven’t had a chance to try this mascara yet. I haven’t really heard much about it either. I like to only keep so many mascaras open at once so then they don’t go to waste. 
  • Lastly, the NS Anti-Frizz sheets. These look promising. I really hope these do what they say they will do because my hair tends to get frizzy and I get so annoyed by it! 

Well that was everything in this months Ipsy bag! Did you get something different? Do share! 



June 2016 Ipsy bag

This month I recieved an overall pretty good Ipsy bag! Let’s start with the design… 10/10 Ipsy! I am loving this Rebel theme bag. It’s so different and that’s what I like about it. Next, the products. I give them a 4/5. I will use 4 out of the 5 products in this months bag and I think that’s really good overall. 

Let’s not forget the postcard, how gorgeous does Lustrelux look in this picture? I’m loving this look! It’s pinned on my cork board of my vanity right now, I just can’t get over it 🙂

theBalm Matt Kumar individual shadow– this is a gorgeous cranberry shade and I will definitely be using this. It will be beautiful in smokey eyes and in the fall/winter. 

Everything Balm-Delectable by Cake Beauty, “Moisturizes skin, repairs cuticles, seals split ends, brightens dark circles and more. It literally does it all, from lips to fingertips.”- I’m excited to try this and see how well it works, if it works I will definitely use this. 

Happy Hibiscus blush by Seraphine Botanicals– I will definitely use this blush. I love blushes and using different colored blushes, this is a gorgeous color and a pretty summer color. 

Face Soap And Clarity 3-in-1 Daily Detox Vitamin C Facial Wash by Soap & Glory– I probably won’t use this honestly. I use the Clinique 3 step system and I love that face wash, so I probably won’t stray far from it. 

Colourpop cream gel liner in Get paid– I was so happy to get this in my bag. I love Colourpop and their liners. This metallic is amazing and I have nothing like it. 

So far I’m loving Ipsy and these two months have both been hits for me! I will probably use the Colourpop cream gel liner the most from this months bag. It’s a gorgeous copper metallic. The soap and glory will probably go in my travel basket! 

Well, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post! Did you get something different in your Ipsy bag? If so, do share! 



May Ipsy bag

This month I got my first Ipsy bag. I’m so freaking excited guys. I get my Beauty Box 5 and now I’m starting Boxycharm this month. Ipsy surprised me this month with the products I received. I actually really loved them.
I kind of thought this brand would be a hit or miss like most people say it is but so far so great. I was expecting the worst honestly and they exceeded those expectations. 

I received 5 products per usual and a cute little post card in my bag. 

-Jelly Pong Pong cosmetics Carribean Sun bronzer duo (this is a beautiful color, I will be using this a lot this summer to bronze my face up)

-Aurora gel polish no UV needed in old school pink (let me tell you, even though this is a HOT PINK, I love it for this time of year. It makes me look tanned and it’s just beautiful.)

-Vera Mona smudger brush (this brush is so soft)

-It cosmetics waterproof gel eyeliner in black (I was so shocked when I saw this in my bag, I had heard that these brands came in the bags but it just shocked me when I saw it inside my Ipsy. I love this liner)

-Chia hair smoothing oil



It’s been a few days…

I know it’s been a few days since I’ve blogged for you guys. 

BUT… I have some pretty cool things in store for you! 

I have a Colourpop haul, their whole spring collection and Jaime Kings #Alchemy boxed set. Also I went a little cray so I have a ton of lippies. 

I have an Ulta haul. Not a big one but I’ll share it per usual. 

My Ipsy bag this month! My. First. Ever. Ipsy bag! I loved it. So I’ll share an Un bagging post. 

My first ever Boxycharm is arriving this week also so yes. I’m very excited! I will share an Unboxing with you because I love Unboxing posts!

XOXO, Ashley

48 hours waitlist free on Ipsy!

So here’s a referral link to Ipsy and its waitlist free for 48 whole hours. I’m so excited to share this with you all. I just received my first bag today and I’m so glad I signed up! 

We both recieve points when you sign up using this link and get your Glam Bag for only 10$/month!

XOXO, Ashley

Are you dying to get off Ipsys wait list?

I wanted to subscribe to Ipsy sooo bad. I mean $10 a month for 5 products and a beauty bag, come on! So one night I pulled out my debit card and took the plunge, subscribing to Ipsy’s Glam Bag. 

I was waitlisted. “You are now on the wait list and then once you are removed you will automatically be charged the monthly balance for the Ipsy bag.” -said the email. 

Frustrated I emailed Ipsy and cancelled my subscription. I didn’t want to be charged for a Glam Bag outta nowhere. So I backed out. Who knows how long I would have waited? 

I was given the choice to promote them on social media to get removed from the list and get my bag for that month but I didn’t want that on my social media. 

After cancelling I got an email saying that I could re subscribe and not be put on the wait list. Wow. That was easy. 

So after I unsubscribed to Ipsy, they contacted me about re-subscribing and I did. That’s how I was removed from the Ipsy glam bag wait list! 

Hopefully this helps some of you that are in this situation 🙂 




So I’m quite excited! I just joined Ipsy, if some of you do not know, it’s a beauty subscription bag that arrives at your doorstep monthly. It costs $10 a month and with it you receive a makeup bag (EVERY MONTH- cool right?!), and five products based on a beauty quiz you take at the beginning of your subscription.

This months theme is travel! I’m so freaking excited about this months theme! The bags look adorable and both sneak peeks I’ve seen are so exciting, they’re actually products I’ve been wanting to try for awhile now.

I know some of you may say “Wait! Doesn’t Ipsy wait list you?!”

Yes! But I found that you can get off this wait list by resubscribing or by sharing about Ipsy on your social media. I unsubscribed then resubscribed in order to get off the list. The customer service at Ipsy was kind enough to let me get this months bag instead of having to wait until June for my GlamBag!

If this is something any of you are interested, I’ve linked my referral below and you can subscribe through there!

Have a wonderful day everyone!!